Add New Homes Sales To Your Expertise

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Improve your professional service to buyers – both new home shoppers and resale shoppers who are purchasing new construction – with our newest webinar!

Presenter David Fletcher, Founder of New Home Co-broker Academy LLC, wastes no time showing you how to make sales you ever knew existed, and it's not by becoming a better closer.

1. Meet the needs of buyers -Today's home shoppers know what they want, they already have seen it on the internet.
2. Get his take on how the NAR settlement will affect home builder commissions.	
3. Be a Realtor the buyer can trust to help them avoid mistakes with either resales or new construction - Not becoming an expert in new construction
4. Realizing that the myths of new construction such as the builder's commission policy is tied to a strict first-time introduction requirement.
5. Everything David teaches, he has personally experienced and wants to share this, and more, with you!

Register and get ready for a new homes webinar you will remember!